Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Google Easter Egg

Easter Eggs adalah istilah pesan tersembunyi dalam media digital seperti software, website, video game, film, dan buku. Easter Eggs biasanya bersifat banyolan atau informasi rahasia yang ingin disampaikan oleh pembuatnya berupa gambar, video, suara atau perubahan dari tingkah laku suatu software. Easter Eggs bisa muncul akibat dari suatu tindakan/langkah kerja yang tidak lazim yang tidak terdokumentasi dalam manual. Easter Eggs pertama kali di aplikasikan oleh programmer game Atari’s Adventure Warren Robinett pada tahun 1979.

Easter egg google biasanya dimasukkan oleh pengembangnya secara diam-diam ke setiap produknya. dibawah ini merupakan beberapa contoh easter egg yang ada pada search engine google.

  • Search "Do a barrel roll" or "Z or r twice" on Firefox or Chrome and the screen will do a 360 spin.
  • Searching for "askew" or "tilt" using Firefox, IE9+, Safari, or Chrome will cause the search results to be displayed at a slight angle.
  • Searching for "zerg rush" causes a bunch of Google “o”s to attack the result page and eventually destroy it but the user can fight back by clicking them.
  • Searching for "kerning" will increase the spacing between every letter in the word kerning by 1 pixel whenever it shows up in the search results page.
  • Type any actor's name followed by "bacon number" to get the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon value.
  • Searching for “Recursion” will result in Google asking if the user meant “Recursion.”
  • Doing a Google Image search for “Atari Breakout” will launch a playable version Breakout using the image results.
  • Searching for "Binary", "Octal", or "Hexadecimal" converts the number of results to binary, octal, or hexadecimal, respectively.
  • Searching for "Conway's Game of Life" produces the Life simulation described by Conway.
  • Searching for "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood" produces a vocal response of another tongue twister "A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"
  • Searching for "Christmas" returns a blue, Christmas background.
  • Searching for "Kwanzaa" returns a green, Kwanzaa background.
  • Searching for "Festivus" places a Festivus pole in the left side of the window.
  • Searching for "Santa Claus" or "Christmas decorations" places an animation of a snowy landscape with Santa Claus and his reindeer riding across the top of the search results. On Christmas Eve, a map will appear where Santa is currently located.

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